Good Little Girl


By. Isabella Villarojo

Tonight I’m neither girl nor woman
I am simply clay.

I surrender before my potter
As May does to the sun

And let my dancer of a spirit
Ballet between his hands.

My lover, quite the artist
His fingers bars of steel

Turn into flesh and grow some vein
When they’re all over me.

He says I can come later
Or never, if he likes

I disobey my potter
And come until I am woman again.

Isabella Villarojo is an MA Creative Writing student at the University of the Philippines – Diliman. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science - International Relations and Foreign Service at the University of San Carlos in 2018. She represented USC in many intercollegiate debate tournaments and has won several debate championships. Her biggest accomplishment to date is becoming the self-proclaimed Track and Field champion of Cebu City’s jeepney stops. (If you don’t know what that means, lucky you.)